Tuesday 26 August 2014

Debs/Prom Advice! Things I wish I knew Before The Big Night

So that time of year has arrived again, the biggest social event of your life as a secondary school student. In Ireland when you're finally finished school it's time to celebrate and there's no better way to do that by dressing up and spending 12 hours partying it up with your friends. Here's the top 10 things that I wish I had known before mine. 

  •  Enjoy the day

The Debs only happens once, it is one night of the year where you say your last goodbyes and the last time that you and all of your classmates will be altogether at the same time. It symbolises the end of an era, from starting secondary school as a dorky teenager to making friendships and really growing into a young adult. Forget about all the other little things involved and don't forget to do it right and have fun. It only happens once but if you do it right? Once is more than enough

  • The Dress 
For us girls, the dress you wear on the night is probably the best and most stressful part of the whole occasion. Will it be long or short? Tight or flowly? Make sure you have one thing for certain, that YOU feel comfortable in it. After hours of searching for the perfect gown you don't want to be spending the whole night fixing it and being afraid it will fall down, find a dress which is pretty, flattering and if the measurements are wrong bring it to an alteration place, it costs a little more money but will leave you with a stress free dress that fits perfect in no time.

  • Not Like The Movies
Things WILL go wrong, it's how you handle them that will make or break your night. Makeup and hair won't always turn out the way you want , nor will fake tan but no matter what beauty bust ups you have take them all in your stride. Nearly everyone there will have one thing they're not happy about on the night but to everyone else they look fantastic. Just remember that to everyone else you'll look fantastic too.

  • The 'Date'
For those of you without a Prince Charming the word 'date' might send you in you in panic mode. There is no reason to panic, your 'date' is usually only around for your pictures and then the night is spent with your friends, whether you have a date or not it's not the end of the world, you can still go and have a great time. One major peace of advice I would give all your beauties though is to make sure whoever you do bring, you're comfortable around, someone you can have fun with and enjoy yourself with, the last thing you want is an awkward silence.   
  •  Say Cheese!!!
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! It's going to be your last night with everyone you grew up with so make sure you capture the best moments of the night. 

my debutaunt ball year 2013 with all of my classmates

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